Board of Directors
Arin Barde
Arin Barde is a senior at Eastlake High School and is elated to serve on the Board of Directors for EverMUN! Arin knows MUN provides insurmountable amounts of fun while also teaching critical life skills. Arin hopes you all ConGO and Czech out EverMUN (it’s going to be anything but MUN-Dane)! He is so excited to watch EverMUN grow.
Megha Ramachandran
Megha is a senior at Tesla STEM High School and has been involved in Model UN since sixth grade! In her free time, she enjoys dancing, listening to music, and hanging out with her dog. It has been so much fun to watch EverMUN grow over the years, and she cannot wait to see all the delegates at EverMUN 2025!
Sneha Sharma
Sneha is a senior at Eastlake High School and has been part of the EverMUN team since its first days! As an eighth grader, she never would have guessed that EverMUN would grow to be as big as it's become, and is incredibly proud of the passionate Board of Directors, Secretariat, Staff, and Delegates that have participated in EverMUN in the past years. Sneha cannot wait to see what's in store for EverMUN's future!